EUPHRESCO III is not a research funder in itself. EUPHRESCO III
supports the coordination of the activities of research funders, policy makers and
research organizations that operate in plant health.
EUPHRESCO III supports its members throughout the identification,
and implementation of trans-national research topics/projects.
The process that allows the identification, prioritization and implementation of
trans-national research topics/projects is presented below, although it will be reviewed during EUPHRESCO III to be fit for purpose for the global network. Activities for the
identification, prioritization and implementation of transnational topics/projects are
undertaken under the guidance of the EUPHRESCO III regional champions and of the Network
Key factors for successful alignment of national research programmes include: the combination of (i) bottom-up alignment actions that involve research stakeholders and (ii) top-down alignment actions that involve decision makers and research funding organizations and building mutual trust and consensus at all levels through regular consultations and dialogue.Through consultations of stakeholders that operate in plant health at national and regional level, the needs and views of stakeholders will be collected and used to identify research priorities around which international collaboration will be built.
If you are interested to propose a research topic for international collaboration through EUPHRESCO III you can contact the representative in your country or region (see tab 'partners'). You can also submit your proposal directly through the form below, which will be sent to the EUPHRESCO III network office.
Suggestions for research topics
Initial identification of topic suggestions: Based on the inputs of consultations at the regional/discipline level, Euphresco members share with the network research ideas/topics for which they seek international collaboration. Guidance for the selection of research topics is provided in the strategic research agenda. Scientists interested to participate in Euphresco projects should explore the possibility to be supported by the official member organisation(s) in their country or other research programme owners or managers. | November-January |
Joining listed topic suggestions: members express their interest to contribute to one or more research ideas/topics. | February-March |
Topic coordinator assignment: members identify, within each consortium interested in a given research idea/topic, a coordinator. The coordinator is in charge of facilitating discussions within the consortium and to lead the development of a research topic description. | March-April |
Production of the topic description: under the guidance of the topic coordinators and of the Euphresco coordinator the consortia develop a short description of the aim of the research activities and of the contributions of the consortium partners to the project. | May-July |
Funding decision: the organizations formalize their commitment on the topics of their interest. Organizations can participate in Euphresco projects with ad-hoc funding, alignment of existing research activities or in-kind contribution. A project is commissioned if a sufficient number of organizations commit to it. | July-November |
The reports of plant health research projects are available from the Digital Research Object Portal (DROP).Success stories of plant health research projects are available from the Digital Research Object Portal (DROP).
Other outputs are presented below, when available.