EUPHRESCO III - Discipline champions

Plant biotechnology industry
Abiopep S.L. (ABIOPEP)
Plant Biotechnology has huge potential for significantly enhancing plant health and productivity in many ways. For instance, by designing new diagnosis tools to quickly and accurately detect new plant diseases. Additionally, it could contribute to develop, and deploy new biocontrol products to effectively combat pests and diseases. Moreover, by collaborating with the seed industry it could help to identify and incorporate new traits crucial for bolstering plant health. Consequently, the biotechnology sector stands poised should play a pivotal role in global phytosanitary research and in supporting overall plant health. By fostering collaboration among diagnostic companies, seed producers, researchers, regulators, and governments, advancements in plant health can be propelled forward. Abiopep is a technology-driven company committed to agricultural innovation. It specializes in producing and marketing solutions aimed at enhancing the quality and productivity of vegetable crops. Through rigorous research and development of technologies pertaining to plant health, Abiopep implements strategies for crop protection, leveraging expertise in plant virology and harnessing biotechnology tools. The company has curated a diverse portfolio of technologies geared towards promoting plant health, encompassing biocontrol solutions, as well as technologies for virus detection, diagnosis, and virus characterization, alongside tools for identifying new breeding traits. In the context of EUPHRESCOIII, Abiopep's role is to represent the perspective of the biotechnology industry and contribute to achieving the project’s objectives by enhancing the involvement of this sector.
Yolanda Hernando Saiz Abiopep

Plant diagnostic industry
Reliable and rapid diagnostic processes are essential to plant health, as they support inspection activities and allow to evaluate the efficacy of measures taken. The diagnostics industry can make a major contribution to global phytosanitary research and to support plant health. It is crucial that regulators, testing laboratories, governments, research and the diagnostics industry work together. Agdia Inc. has been a leading provider of plant pathogen diagnostics since 1981. Today, Agdia offers a comprehensive and trusted portfolio of plant pathogen and GMO testing solutions to make more educated and informed plant health management decisions worldwide. Agdia works closely with people coming from different industries (ornamentals, vegetables, fruits and field crops) as well as with public and private laboratories and research institutions. Agdia also has a ISO/IEC 17025 accredited Testing Services laboratory that receives samples all over the world. One of Agdia’s major goals in EUPHRESCO III will be to represent the interests and support of the diagnostics industry and to increase the involvement of the diagnostics industry within the EUPHRESCO III project activities.
Macos Amato Agdia-EMEA

Plant diagnostic industry
Bioreba AG (BIOREBA)
Reliable and rapid diagnostic processes are essential to plant health, as they support inspection activities and allow to evaluate the efficacy of measures taken. The diagnostics industry can make a major contribution to global phytosanitary research and to support plant health. It is crucial that regulators, testing laboratories, governments, research and the diagnostics industry work together. BIOREBA AG is one of the leading manufacturers in plant pathogen diagnostic industry. BIOREBA AG is specialized in the development, validation and commercialization of serological and molecular diagnostic reagents as well as in the production of sample preparation devices and buffers. Most of the diagnostic tests are approved for use in BIOREBA’s own accredited (ISO/IEC 17025) testing service laboratory. The clients in over 100 countries are institutions involved in certification and production of seeds and seedlings, nurseries, research laboratories, universities, etc. that rely on diagnostic kits from BIOREBA AG. One of BIOREBA's major goals in EUPHRESCO III will be to represent the interests and support of the diagnostics industry and to increase the involvement of the diagnostics industry within the EUPHRESCO III project activities.
Marco Kaiser Bioreba

Seed industry
International Seed Federation (ISF)
With the global seed trade expanding significantly, no country can solely rely on its own production to meet seed demand. The International Seed Federation (ISF) emphasizes the need for global cooperation and scientifically grounded phytosanitary measures to ensure the smooth international movement of seeds, aiming for universal access to high-quality seeds to support global food security and sustainable farming practices. The International Seed Federation ISF represents the global seed industry's interests, advocating for phytosanitary regulations aligned with scientific standards and international agreements, such as the WTO SPS Agreement and ISPM Number 38. ISF’s Regulated Pest List Initiative aims to harmonize phytosanitary requirements globally, providing scientifically validated information on pests associated with international seed trade.
Rose Souza Richards ISF

Tree and forest health
Competence Centre for Plant Health-Free University of Bozen-Bolzano (UNIBZ)
Due to anthropogenic climate change, environmental factors of both abiotic and biotic nature are changing more rapidly, with a rise in climate extremes. Consequently, novel challenges are emerging for agriculture and natural ecosystems, particularly in alpine regions, such as South Tyrol, characterized by diverse micro-climatic conditions. To ensure the sustainable development of agriculture in the coming years, it becomes crucial to understand the mechanisms impacting plant health and their responses to future environmental scenarios. The competence Centre for Plant Health at the Free University of Bolzano-Bozen is dedicated to the study of both biotic and abiotic stress factors, to understand their impact on plant health. The center is committed to developing innovative and practical solutions to tackle the future challenges confronting agriculture and forestry in South Tyrol. Its main activities include applied research, knowledge transfer and exchange, and training and advice.
Tanja Mimmo UNIBZ

Tree and forest health
Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research (NIBIO)
As a result of past selection pressures, forest trees have evolved diverse and effective defence mechanisms against insect herbivores, pathogens and other heterotrophic organisms. In recent decades, much of the biotic and abiotic damage in forests can be related to ongoing global change. Global warming is increasing tree mortality both directly, through drought and heat stress, and indirectly by increasing the susceptibility to pests and pathogens. In addition, global trade of plants and plant materials introduces pathogens and pests outside their natural range, where they may have devastating impacts on evolutionary naïve tree species. This may have particularly severe consequences for trees, owing to their long generation times. Maintaining sufficient genetic diversity and pursuing of mixed tree species forests are important risk-spreading strategies also in managed forests. NIBIO has a long history of providing research data on the diagnostics of diseases and abiotic disorders in forest trees, and on the multifaceted interactions that take place between disease agents, environmental conditions and forest trees. Such knowledge is fundamental when considering management options for preventing or containing diseases and disorders and for safeguarding sustainable provision of renewable wood-based materials, and other forest ecosystem services.